Wednesday, October 15, 2008

tore-say oodbye-gay!!! :)

I gave the American bull dog back, he had fleas :( Not cool. I fed the dogs cat food yesterday (We had a full bag and no cats why not right??) and Bear is at home with a rented steam cleaner to salvage what is left of our poop soaked apartment :( Oh my. Too much information? lol Try cleaning it up... Sold the ferret yesterday, bunnies are sold for tomorrow now we're just down to a couple chinchillas! And thank the Lord almighty there will be a lot less poop in my future because we are losing-cay the tore-say in a ouple-cay eeks-way. Oh yes. Very happy about that! Here comes pregnant mommy hood with a lot less animal poop involved! Anyway I must go destinkafy some rats. oh yeah what a morning. Later!


Sarah said...

Closing it for good? What will you do instead??

Hannah said...

Bear does Geo-thermal! Right now we have to pay some of his salary to support Savannah's bills so with out the store we will be better off than most of America!! :) and I don't even have to work!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this cleaning up after pets is a primer for your future with baby!

Anonymous said...

The candidates mentioned Geo-thermal again last night as the future in heating and energy usage...