Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lost, Found and Appreciated

Boo the doggy was lost for a day. She got out of her cage while we were gone and was running around the front porch with out ID. Some teenagers thought they were doing little doggy a favor, took her out of her own yard, and brought her to their house. They then (probably because she chewed all of their prized possessions and pooped all over their house) called animal control and sent poor little obedient doggy to jail. All the while her poor parents (ok mom) were posting flyers with her picture all over town and crying non stop...
It was really cool when we went to the pound to find her though because there were a bunch of doors and we didn't know which ones to go down. Bear and I started talking and Boo starts freaking out barking, I knew it was her, and immediately found her. We were SO happy to see her and so happy to have her back. She's a little pain sometimes but man I realized how much I do love that little dog and would NEVER want her gone!!
In other news the house looks great and we just need to do a few more things. Getting a living room furniture set would be great but we'll see if that's priority right now. We also want to sell our car and truck to get a nicer vehicle for baby so we'll see. The saturn is dead in the driveway :( Starter's broke... The truck is sitting on the rim with a flat... Bear will fix sunday..right? :)


Max said...

So glad your poop machine is back safe and sound!

Anonymous said...

She is a naughty little darling! Amazing how they have such a place in our hearts...hope you get your vehicle running! Love, ma

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...were the "new" hormones the reason for crying about your dog so much and being frantic about her return and subsequent loss of freedom (see brother's blog) or an indication of how much we love our pets? I am very glad she is home safe and sound. I also feel that God was very kind in getting the prodigal home and I give Him a big Thank you!

Sarah said...

That is so precious that she recognized your voices!! Awwww....